We Believe 1988 Adult 13 Lessons: Foursquare Doctrine with reproducible Student pages (These lessons are condensed from the Declaration of Faith books) Series PDFs...
This We Believe ICFG 17-page PDF...
This We Believe 1975 21-pages PDF...
Holy Spirit Discovery Grades 4-9 8 Lessons with reproducible Student pages HOLY SPIRIT DISCOVERY CONTENTS GETTING STARTED Using This Resource Suggested Lesson Plan Helping People Receive The Holy Spirit Baptism LESSON 1: WHY THE HOLY SPIRIT? —Matthew 28:19 LESSON 2:...
Declaration of Faith 1 Adult Introduction, Scripture, God, Christ’s Life… Declaration of Faith 2 Adult The Holy Spirit, Fall of Man, Redemption, New Birth… Declaration of Faith 3 Adult Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Work of the Spirit, Healing, End Times… Declaration of Faith 4...
Baseline Unit 1 Grades 6-9 13 Lessons: The Bible, God, Jesus, Salvation, Heaven , Hell, Prayer Baseline Unit 2 Grades 6-9 13 Lessons: Communion, Water Baptism, Stewardship, Prayer Baseline Unit 3 Grades 6-9 12 Lessons: Ministry Gifts, Healing, Angels, Satan, End...