We provide your training, experienced advice, and resources—but you make it happen. Local churches doing short-term missions do most of the on-the-field Children’s Gospel Box training. The mission field, children’s workers, and the world need you.
Because this portion of the CG Box ministry is so critical, we need to speak with you first before proceeding. Call us at 714.202.0349 or click here to fill out a brief info sheet and we’ll contact you.
Contacting us does not commit you to doing a CG Box Outreach. It only allows us to know of your interest and begin the process. After contacting us, we’ll give you access to the secure site where you’ll find the following:
The CG Box Manual
Includes everything you need to do a successful CG Box outreach
Additional Videos
We’ll show you what we teach others
Planning Sheets
Checklists on how to plan for a CG Box outreach
Online/Phone Coaching
We’ll be with you every step of the way
Please Note
Due to the many requests to do the CG Box, not all requests can be approved. There are certain situations/areas where we cannot proceed without various levels of approval (due mainly to security concerns).
Additionally, funding can determine various levels of our participation. Normally, the CG Box ministry provides free materials and shipping to the region. This is only made possible by the generous gifts of individuals or friends.
Please call/contact us to see what level of support we can provide your proposed outreach.